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Episode 31: May 22nd 2024

In this episode, Dave & Steve talk through the problems experienced by Not-for-Profits implementing KPIs and how to solve them.

A must listend episode for NFP CEOs that are about to put in place or replace the KPIs for their organisation.

Episode 30: May 6th 2024

In this second of three episodes on KPIs, Dave & Steve demystify the 'where from' and 'how to' of getting good data for KPIs.

No jargon.  Just practical, efficient and cost effective ways.

Episode 29: April 23rd 2024

Following many successful implementations, in this episode Dave & Steve talk about a proven structure that makes it easy for Not-for-Profits to know what KPIs they need.

A must listen episode for CEOs of Not-for-Profits that either have no KPIs, have too many, or the ones they've got don't tell them what they need to know.

Episode 28: September 8th 2023

In this episode, Dawn McAleenan discusses Crosslink's strategy that is quickly upskilling its workforce, with flow on benefits in terms of job satisfaction, and recruitent and retention of its people.

A must listen episode for CEOs in the NFP sector, given their most important asset (by a long way) is their people.

Episode 27: August 11th 2023

In this edisode, Benjamin Jardine explains both the 'why' and the 'how' Not-For-Profits can measure social impact.

A must listen episode for Not-for-Profits that want more accountability for the delivery of their mission.

Episode 26: August 7th 2023

In this episode, Dave & Steve discuss the key take aways of the recently published survey.

Listening to it, is a great way to understand what its really like to be the CEO of a Not-for-Profit in 2023.

The full survey results can be downloaded at:

Episode 25: May 29th 2023

In this episode, Dave & Steve try to shoot strategy software providers in the foot by discussing how NFPs can execute strategy without using a dedicated software system.

Episode 24: March 20th 2023

In this edisode, Benjamin Jardine explains why most Mission statements produce bad Strategy ... and why a cleverly defined Mission lays the foundations for great Strategy.

A must listen episode for Not-for-Profits who feel stuck in the zero sum game of balancing Mission and Financial Sustainability.

Episode 23: March 1st 2023

In this episode, Dave and Steve talk about the recently released survey - about the current challenges faced by CEOs in the Not-for-Profit sector.

In particular: what's the survey for, and how the survey will benefit the CEOs?

The survey is here:

Episode 22: December 13th 2022

In this episode, Erica Haddon provides fantastic insight into the Co-CEO model and how it can bring richness and depth to Strategy Development & Execution through the Power of AND.

A must listen episode for those wanting to inspire organisation-wide ownership and innovation.

Episode 21: December 12th 2022

In this episode, Dave and Steve discuss the reasons why Boards, CEOs and Executives have a shared responsibility for Strategy; and why they need a system to work on Strategy effectively.

Episode 20: August 15th 2022

Shirley Anne from POD Consultancy chats with Steve and Dave about being a strategy consultant and how to get the most from your strategic planning sessions.

It's a great episode for people who think strategy sessions are bland. You can read more about Shirley Anne on her consultancy's website.

Episode 19: August 8th 2022

Kate O'Hara talks to Steve and Dave about her role as CEO at Foodbank WA. By her own admission, Kate is a bit of a data nerd, but only because she loves using it to tell a great story.

In this episode, you'll find out, amongst other things, how having access to the data that matters helps secure funding!

Episode 18: July 11th 2022

In this episode, Sandy McKiernan of YACWA talks about how having a diverse board can help create and deliver the right strategy.

Although not with its challenges Sandy talks about how the organisation she runs has benefitted from bringing younger people onto the board. It's a great listen for organisations who, if they're honest, have a typical board makeup.

Episode 17: July 5th 2022

In this episode, Andrea Creado of Ishar talks about how KPI's and a strategic plan have helped her organisation win tenders.

Some not-for-profit organisations rely on winning government tenders to fund their programs. Andrea describes how having clear KPIs and a strategic plan has demonstrated how Ishar creates value and wins tenders.

Episode 16: June 22nd 2022

Ever found yourself working on your organisation strategy while on holiday? If the answer's yes, you're far from alone. In this episode of the show, Steve and Dave discuss why you might do some of your best strategic thinking while you're away from the daily grind.

Episode 15: May 30th 2022

Most organisations don't turn strategy into action. This pretty much guarantees failure but it doesn't have to be like that. In this episode of the show, Steve and Dave discuss the importance of action, and a few other things unrelated to strategy.

Episode 14: May 23rd 2022

In this episode, Steve Edgar of Intelife talks with Dave and Steve about the commercial realities of running a Not-for-Profit organisation.

Episode 13: May 16th 2022

In this episode, Steve and Dave discuss external data and how it can play an important role in informing and guiding strategy.

Episode 12: May 9th 2022

Foodbank WA's COO Fran Ferreira talks to Steve and Dave about creating and communicating strategy. Fran has some great insights about how software has significantly improved effectiveness.

Episode 11: April 18 2022

In this, our first guest episode, Louise Forster from Advocare gives us her take on developing and rolling out strategies for not-for-profit organisations. Louise also tells us about how rolling up her sleeves and spending time at the coalface helps to inform high-level decision making.

It's a great episode for NFP leaders looking for inspiration and insights for developing an effective strategy.

Episode 10: April 11 2022

In this episode of the show, Steve and Dave discuss the subject of who should get involved in creating strategy. Steve talks about how the traditional ways have now morphed into something quite different.

Episode 9: April 4 2022

Strategic drift is very common but can be a destructive force. In this podcast, Steve and Dave discuss the problems around losing sight of your strategic objectives - and how to avoid doing so.

Episode 8: March 28 2022

Mission or purpose statements are vital for organisations and especially so in the Not For Profit sector. In this episode of the show we discuss how to create and live by a mission statement.

Episode 7: March 21 2022

So what is and isn't strategy? In this episode of the show, Steve and Dave talk about what strategy isn't. It might sound a bit of an odd statement but understanding what is and isn't strategy is crucial if you want your not for profit organisation to thrive.

Episode 6: March 14 2022

In this episode of the show Steve and Dave explore the sometimes confusing question: "What is strategy?" It's a great listen if you've asked yourself this question and failed to come to a conclusion.

Episode 5: March 8 2022

In this episode of the show, Steve and Dave discuss the importance of having the right tools for strategy execution, and why keeping your strategy locked in a static document is setting you up for failure.

Episode 4: February 27 2022

Your strategy can only succeed if you take your operations people with you. In this episode of the show, Steve and Dave discuss the importance of operation in the execution of strategy.

Episode 3: February 22 2022

A strategy needs action. Although this seems like an obvious statement, the main reason strategies fail is through a lack of strategy execution. Things simply don't get done.

In this episode of the show, Steve and Dave discuss how to make sure your hard work creating a strategy is turned into actions.

Episode 2: February 15 2022

Understanding the motivations of your people is a key aspect of a successful strategy. In the not for profit sector, this is perhaps even more important than other sectors. In this episode of the show, Dave and Steve dig into this subject.

Episode 1: February 10 2022

In this first episode of the show, Steve and Dave discuss the problem of treating strategy as an event instead of a continuous process.

If your strategy has stalled, this episode will give you some useful insights and tips to get it moving again.

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